Me on the beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico, walking in the surf on a sunny summer day

Hi There, I am Hege!

I am an experienced and passionate solo female traveler, and I am on a mission to empower you to get off the fence and help you get going on your dream solo travel safely, confidently, and full of toe-curling expectations (without fear and worry).

So far, I have backpacked solo in South America, been based in Havana, Cuba, been wreck diving in the polar North Sea in winter, booked a hostel in the wrong country, kissed a stingray, hiked the Colombian Amazon, road-tripped in the US, surfed in Costa Rica, walked the Inca Trail, and cared for wild animals in the rainforest in Ecuador, to mention a few of my solo adventures.

Now, I am here to help YOU have the same incredible experiences and become an intrepid Solo Female Traveler!

Becoming A Confident Solo Traveler

Solo traveler breakfast, me seated at a breakfast table in a tent, smiling, ready to dig into an omelet.
Solo Female Travelers breakfast!

Many women worry about traveling solo, and many women also have people around them who worry about what might happen if they start roaming the world on their own.

A lot of women I meet tell me they would love to embark on solo adventures, but for various practical (and some not-so-practical) reasons, they find it a bit daunting. If that is you, you are the woman I am creating content for!

Even though I have traveled solo for many years, I still remember the early beginnings when I did not feel as confident traveling alone as a woman that I do today. According to my last survey, many women still worry today about a variety of issues related to traveling solo that are holding them back.

The most predominant worry women have is personal safety while traveling. This is closely followed by not feeling confident enough, mistrusting their own “gut” feeling,” feeling lonely, as well as dealing with practical things and problems that might arise.

So, I am here to help you grow beyond all these fears and worries, help you empower yourself, find your confidence, and set sail!

Exploring the world on your own is, in my opinion, one of the absolutely best ways to travel. And I have realized that during my journeys, I have developed a solo travel confidence and a set of skills that you will benefit from.

Also, if you can, I will always encourage you to travel slowly on your solo journeys as well and be present and curious about your chosen destinations.

If you rush through things and places, I promise you you will miss out on so many golden moments and hidden gems while traveling! So slow down!

Who Am I To Talk?

Well, by now, I am an avid and experienced world solo female traveler and also a dedicated slow traveler (and, in that regard, probably a horrible “tourist”), and I really want you to experience all that, too.

I started traveling solo very early, and you can see my travel track record so far a bit further below. In the beginning, I started traveling on easy, shorter trips to my native Norway and around Europe.

In 2019, I embarked on my first long-term and long-distance solo trip, a 6-month journey through Central and South America.

After that, I was sold; I changed my life completely, left my job, packed up, and headed out into the world indefinitely. From 2020 to 2023, I traveled solo full-time around the Caribbean and Central America region, which was an EPIC experience.

Norwegian Shield Maiden On The Go

As my native Norway is also a spectacular destination to travel (not to mention super safe), I have spent a lot of time on domestic travels, as well as (to me) to exotic destinations in Europe and faraway places like South America, North America, and the Caribbean.

In 2024, I relocated as far north as you can get in Norway, to the northernmost point on mainland Europe in fact, and for the summer I am based just south of the North Cape.

Hence, my number one mission is to teach every adventurous woman out there how to love traveling solo, how to stay SAFE (and feel safe, too), how to research and plan, what travel resources to use, and what communities to connect with so they can do it confidently as well!

Where I Have Lived & Traveled

Enjoying a cocktail on a Caribbean Island
In the Caribbean

Travel and adventure have always been a passion for me, and I have explored the world every moment I have had the opportunity to set a course somewhere new and exciting.

From my first family vacation to Spain when I was ten to my new life as a digital nomad and world traveler, these are the destinations I have lived or visited.

πŸ“ Cayman Islands

πŸ“ Colombia

πŸ“ Costa Rica

πŸ“ Cuba

πŸ“ Dominican Republic

πŸ“ Jamaica

πŸ“ USA

πŸ“ Peru

πŸ“ Puerto Rico

πŸ“ Ecuador

πŸ“ Antigua & Barbuda

πŸ“ England

πŸ“ Ireland

πŸ“ France

πŸ“ Italy

πŸ“ Germany

πŸ“ Denmark

πŸ“ Ireland

πŸ“ Norway

πŸ“ Croatia

πŸ“ Greece

πŸ“ Iceland

πŸ“ Switzerland

πŸ“ The Netherlands

πŸ“ Portugal

πŸ“ Spain

πŸ“ Austria

πŸ“ Finland

πŸ“ Sweden

πŸ“ Belgium

πŸ“ Monaco

πŸ“ Latvia

πŸ“ Macedonia

πŸ“ Thailand

πŸ“ Morocco

πŸ“ Jordan

πŸ“ Afghanistan

πŸ“ Tunisia

πŸ“ Brazil

πŸ“ Egypt

πŸ“ Turkey

πŸ“ USA

For the last five years, I have been traveling the Caribbean & Americas, and I am super excited to help you with the best travel tips possible from my favorite destinations!

The Journey To Becoming A Traveling Digital Nomad

The North Cape in Norway during sunset
The North Cape in Norway

After my solo journey in South America in 2019 (and 20 years in the army), I decided I needed to change my path after serving at home and overseas for most of my adult life.

A β€œlifetime” of focus on war and conflict requires some level of countermeasures – and I discovered exactly those countermeasures on the other side of the world – in the Latin-American culture, dancing, and epic nature experiences above and below water.

I also had what I can only call a β€œmagic moment” as I rediscovered the absolute BLISS of dancing, the music, the rhythm, and the flow with a dance partner.

During my six-month solo journey in Latin and South America, I re-discovered a lot of things that I want to spend time doing, and my main goal now is to have spectacular experiences in every exciting destination on the planet – and teach you to do the same.

So, long story short, I left the army and, as a completely analog person, started the journey to change my career. I founded my first website in 2020, and in 2023 and 2024, I created Epic Nomad Life and Travel To Norway, respectively.

Puh, and SO GLAD I DID!

Where I Have Been Featured

I am clearly not a professional dancer or Latina, but I am now a multi-hatted Entrepreneur, Professional Traveler, Digital Nomad, Certified Coach, Public Speaker (I was lucky enough the get on the TEDx stage and talk about travel), and Online Solopreneur.

πŸ“ She Buys Travel

πŸ“ The Planet D

πŸ“ We Travel There

πŸ“ Eco Lodges Anywhere

πŸ“ Mommy Travels

πŸ“ Wanderer Writes

πŸ“ Spend Life Traveling

πŸ“ Find A Way Abroad

πŸ“ 24hourlayovers

πŸ“ Paradise Catchers

πŸ“ Travel Era

πŸ“ foXnoMad

πŸ“ The World Overload

πŸ“ Hill City Bride

πŸ“ The Backpacking Site

From the Army to the Arts

In a classic American Car taxi

Falling in love with the traveling lifestyle was beyond unexpected for a shieldmaiden like myself, and I did travel regularly for a couple of years before I made my decision.

Being a Traveler has become part of my identity now, and I want to share my experiences in the form of inspiring articles, photos, and stories.

Why Travel Writer?

As I love to explore beyond boundaries. Starting with exploring the Caribbean & Latin culture, dance, music, tours, delicious foods, nature experiences, and great scuba diving sites in the region, etc., etc., etc..!

And then onto epic destination in the rest of the world. Epic Nomad Life will be your Solo Female Travel ONE-STOP SHOP!

Also, important! Come join my community of like-minded travel-loving women on Facebook, where you can get and share travel tips and advice on anything from personal experiences, destination tips, to safety to authentic feedback from traveling sisters – and a lot more.