Stunning views along the Lost City Hike in Colombia, a pink sky in the distance behind infinite hills and jungle
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Do you have a dream about jungle adventure and trekking in the Amazon? Then I have an excellent suggestion for you: embark on the popular Lost City Hike Colombia, called “the best hike in Colombia” by some!

I did this hike as part of a 6-month solo journey in South America, and it was one of the highlights of my whole trip. This jungle trek is an adventure you can easily master with a little preparation and guidance!

The four-day jungle hike in the Sierra Nevadas in Colombia to The Lost City outside Santa Marta is very popular among adventure travelers and, in truth, a fantastic (and super hot and humid) experience!

Update for the 2024 season: Since I did my four-day hike to the Lost City, G Adventures has changed and improved the itinerary for the hike! It is now a minimum of 7 days and up)

Affiliate disclosure: I only recommend tours, services and purchases I know and love on this website.
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You Need A Tour Guide For The Lost City Trek Colombia

The ruins of the Lost City in Sierra Nevada in Colombia, sitting on a lowered hill amidst incredibly green forests and jungle in the Amazon of Colombia.
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The remnants of the Lost City

Hiking to the Lost City hike in Colombia to the remnants of Ciudad Perdida, which it is called in Spanish in the Colombian Sierra Nevadas, is not something you can do by yourself.

You have to go with a certified tour agency that makes sure all the rules and regulations are followed to take care of the jungle and what is left of The Lost City. 

It is one of the largest pre-Colombian cities that has been โ€œdiscoveredโ€ in Las Americas along with the northern parts of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. 

I did my 4-day Lost City hike in Colombia with G Adventures, a worldwide renowned sustainable travel and adventure company that provided an amazing journey in nature, culture, and history. 


5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“The service was excellent throughout and there was a real focus on supporting the indigenous community!”
Michael I

Santa Marta Magdalena Colombia & The Lost City

This hike started and ended in the beautiful coastal city of Santa Marta, which is also a historic colonial city.

If you have the time, I recommend you stay a couple of days here before or after your Lost City hike to explore the city and its surroundings.

Santa Marta lies nestled along the Caribbean part of the Colombian coastline to the north. It has a charming old city and so much history.

There are historic sites to explore, and there are lots of beaches and fun water activities.

Preparations for The Lost City Hike In Colombia

People sitting in the back of a van with the back door open, and a second car behind it on a summer day in a jungle village
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Heading for the Lost City Hike starting point

Hiking in the Colombian jungle does require a little bit of personal preparation; you need to know what you are “up against” in the Colombian jungle.

Preparing for the heat, humidity, and terrain is a clear success factor. Although the Lost City trek does not cross noticeable altitudes, there will be heat, extreme humidity, and periodical rain that can be challenging.

The introductory meeting with my fellow trekkers and our G Adventure guide, “The Night Before,” was informative and motivating to make sure we were prepared and ready.

Here are the key preparation takeaways.

  • Dress light and airy.
  • Drink little sips of water continually throughout the day while walking.
  • Walk at a pace you can hold “indefinitely.”
  • Eat well and snack regularly.

“If we remember to drink enough water and don`t exhaust ourselves on the uphill paths, everything will be ok”, says our Guide, Juan Diego. Juan Diego is super inspiring and engaging, full of useful advice, and promising a fantastic experience.

A short truck stop break on reddish sands beside tree huts on our way to the Sierra Nevada and the Lost City hike.
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Pit stop before starting the hike

Super early the next day, we are all tired but ready, starting with a double coffee in the lobby as the sun rises. I left my long-term travel backpack, Osprey Farpoint 80, back at the hotel and only brought my tiny day pack for this trek. 

On this trek, you only need to carry a day pack, and donkeys and the crew from camp to camp take the rest of your luggage.  

We head out from Santa Marta in two Land Rover to the start point in the Sierra Nevadas, along with a local guide from the native Wiwa tribe of the mountains.

The group of trekkers is very international; there are trekkers of all ages from all over Europe, the USA, and Canada, with different experience levels.

One wiwa tribe guide and three hikers walking along a wide path in the beginning of the Lost City hike, surrounded by green forest
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Starting to walk

The Lost City Trek Day One – Long And Hot And Humid

A jungle campsite with a wooden house without walls, with hammocks and benches, surrounded by greenery and palm trees
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A small campsite in the jungle along the hike

The first day of jungle trekking was, as expected, long, warm, and humid. There were frequent breaks from the start, and now and then, the crew brought fresh fruit and snacks our way.

The jungle is amazing, and when we start to have some amazing views as well on day one, it is already all worth it.

Everyone is soaking wet the whole day, and it is definitely a tough start. This is not due to altitude or distance but simply because of the heat and humidity.

Doing as the guide says, walking slowly and drinking water “all the time” is the success criteria, although it is a bit challenging.

A dining hall in a jungle, in a house with no walls and dosens of people seated along long tables eating
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Jungle dinner hall

The day one trek was around 600 altitude meters, but the track has a lot of ascents and descents, so in total, I would say you can count a bit more than that.

After arrival at Camp One, there is time for a little swim in a nearby river, then dinner, and straight to bed.

Three people crossing a river with clear water in a jungle surrounded by greenery
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After this first long and humid day, I did not have much energy left in my body; I apparently needed to recuperate as I slept almost 12 hours straight!

Perfect for me, and on day two, I felt ready and fresh again for a new day of trekking.

The Lost City Is One Of Many Lost Cities In The Sierra Nevadas

Archeologists believe there have been several settlements like The Lost City in this area of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. 

The city is mainly built along a straight ridge covering an area of about 950-1300 altitude meters. It is believed to have been built around 6-800 AC, a few centuries before Machu Picchu

Passing local villages with circular huts on our way to the Lost City. A wiwa tribe guide with long black hair is walking in front, in the green forest along the path, and locals are in the distance.
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A local village along the path

The city flourished here in the mountainside until the Spanish invasion in the middle of the 17th century.

After that, the city seemed to disappear into the fuzz. Exactly how and why still is a bit of a mystery.

The Lost City Trek Day Two – More Energy To Enjoy The Jungle

People walking on a dirt path in the moddle of a green jungle on a sunny day
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Along the path

The second day of trekking is a lot easier; the long night’s sleep has done wonders, and the distance flies away. The scenery and surroundings are beautiful, and we have small stops here and there to listen to stories and anecdotes from the area.

The trek started very early every day, both to avoid the intense heat and also to avoid trekking during the afternoon rains that turn the paths into muddy rivers.

Therefore, the trek for day two, which is not a very long distance, is already done around 1 p.m.

A delicious lunch awaits before there is time to explore the area a bit and learn from the Wiwa guide about the native outlook on life, death, the mountains, and everything.

Horses crossing a wooden hanging bridge with white railings in the jungle over a river
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Both we and the horses crossing the hanging bridges

At the end of day two, we are only a few kilometers away from the actual Lost City.

The last bit consists of a stairway of 1200 stone steps and 400 meters of altitude, a little more than “a walk in the park.”

So, again, it’s an early night, and I sleep like a baby in the little “cabins” or dormitories where we spend the night. All you need is a mattress and a mosquito net.

The Lost City Trek Day Three – The Stairway To The Lost City

Part of the 1200 steps of natural stairs up to the Lost City
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The stairs to the Lost City

On day three of the Lost City hike, we are up at dawn, charging ourselves with eggs, fruit, toast, and today also – pancakes! All to prepare us for the thousands of steep steps ahead. 

Well, One Thousand Two Hundred, to be exact, but that is not my normal number of stairs in one day!

Starting the ascent, slowly up, up, up at a regular pace the walk is quite manageable. 

I find a calm pace below the acid threshold, and from there, it is just putting one foot in front of the other and not thinking too much. 

After a few hours like this, step by step, the terrain flattens out a bit and changes noticeably. Around us, rounded rock formations of different sizes appear here and there as we head toward the โ€œcity.โ€ 

The Lost City Day 4 – A Serene Calm Oasis

Finally, we arrive at the Lost City, and what I notice is that the whole area transforms the energy and has a distinct tranquility and serenity to it!

I don`t think this area was randomly picked as the city center way back in the day. 

When we emerge into the open space, the air is remarkably easier and fresher than lower in the jungle. 

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Under the trees, there is calm and quiet. It feels like this whole area is a pristine oasis under the airy mountain vegetation!

On one side, we can see a ridge with a steep river, interchanging between a river and a waterfall, providing water for ancient settlements. 

People climbing a steep dirt path surrounded by jungle trees and greenery
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Trekking a challenging area of the hike to the Lost City

When we walk the last few steps before the city opens up before us, the scene is grand, and there are so many details around.

Someone figured out everything from the serene, quiet, and shady location to the incredibly smart engineering solutions in the houses and the water supply hundreds of years ago!

There are several hiking groups in the ciudad this early morning before the sun hits with fierce force, but still, there is silence. 

Everyone seems affected by the suave energy of the whole place, speaking in low voices and walking around taking in everything. 

We are all just taking in the atmosphere. 

Generation Living In The Sierra Nevadas

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The circular ruins of the Lost City

Our guide tells us the houses were built on these round formations with drainage around them. 

When the master of the house died, the house was torn down and burnt, and the deceased was buried in the ground where the house used to be. 

Then, the rest of the family would build a new house on top of the burned grave and live on it. Again and again.

The circle of life quite literally.

Green grassy ruins surrounded by stone structures in the middle of a green vast jungle with trees and greenery
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Exploring the Lost City in the middle of the jungle-nowhere

Some houses in this area are still complete and functioning. The ones belonging to spiritual leaders are also very elaborate and beautifully crafted. 

In this place the guide also conducts a small ceremony with us, it is like some kind of guided meditation. 

The intention is that we will all leave behind all negative thoughts and experiences before we enter the city.

With a clear mind. I like the idea.

Leaving The Lost City To Itself

Infinite views over vast green hazy hills while a string of small colorful flags hang across the path.
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After a few hours in the now-found city- we are heading back down to last night’s camp for lunch and preparing for the return-to-civilization hike. 

The body has adjusted nicely now to both the heat, the humidity, and the walking. The tempo is high, and so is the energy! 

Even though the day was quite long with the “summit” push to The Lost City up and down and returning to a camp close to the first night, the energy is excellent. 

Everyone participating in the hike now has more energy and turns out to be fun and lively people when not super dehydrated in the jungle!   

A straw hut with a straw roof along a stone path in the middle of a green jungle on a sunny day
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A traditional hut where the Wiwa tribe live

Suddenly, we all have the energy to enjoy the jungle, the scenery, and, of course, the possibility of swimming in waterfalls on our way back down. 

The last night is spent in a lower-lying camp not so far from our start point.

Here, we are going to visit a settlement with a special story. A village was struck by a catastrophe in 2014. 

The Discovery of The Lost City

Two proud turkeys strolling on a dirt road in a jungle village
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Encountering turkeys in the jungle villages

The Lost City is one of the largest pre-Colombian cities that has been โ€œdiscoveredโ€ in Las Americas along with the northern parts of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. 

When I quote-unquote โ€œdiscoveredโ€, it is, of course, because the natives here have known about this place since its creation. 

The settlements in the Lost City were discovered by the rest of the (western) world in 1972. 

The discovery happened in connection with a wave of grave robberies in the area, and in the aftermath of the discovery, The Lost City hike in Colombia has become a popular destination for hikers from all over the world!

People and backpacks resting in a jungle house with no walls behind a sign with the name of the camp
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One of the jungle camp stops along the trek

A Wave of Grave Robberies

The ancient dead in the area now called The Lost City were buried with a substantial quantity of gold for their onward journey. 

Because of this, grave robbers, people searching for treasures and riches, decided to find the graves and empty them in secrecy.

As word spread, further attention came from archeologists and social anthropologists who wanted to see if the rumors were true โ€“ and voila โ€“ the city was discovered.

Trekking in Colombia along ancient paths and visiting ruins and relics, however, requires a certain level of organization and delicacy to preserve the ancient sites and cultural heritage.

Again, this is why you can not do this trek by yourself; you need to join an organized trek by a tour company.

Lost City Trek Colombia Price!

At the time of writing, the Lost City Trek in Colombia with G Adventures is at $654 for the 7-day trek.

The Indigenous Local Tribes

The Native Wiwa Tribe’s Outlook On Life

A woman with black hair dressed in white on a dirt road in the middle of a green jungle on a bright sunny day
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A Wiwa woman in one of the jungle villages

The ancient native population living in the mountains consisted of many different tribes back in the day. They all had a generally similar outlook on the world and life according to our guides, a traditional nature religion.

Their descendants are still living in the area despite invasions, guerilla wars, drug cartels, and low-intensity warfare in modern times.

Many are still trying to live according to ancient traditions. (Although there are satellite dishes and wifi in almost every camp we see heading up the mountain).

The different tribes have different names but a lot of things in common. Our guide from the Wiwa tribe teaches us about his people and their values.

Like many other native peoples throughout the world, the Wiwa live closely connected to the nature around them.

They are also closely connected to the spiritual world as they see it. They talk about celestial bodies’ significance and predictions, the language, the wisdom of the animals, and the powers of nature.

About the communication between the ones living and the ones that have passed on.

The Wiwa Count On Help From Passed Ancestors

The Wiwa believe the dead can still help the living with all kinds of things in their lives.

Often, they communicate through ceremonies or via special animals. All the tribes on this side of the Sierra Nevadas have several spiritual leaders. These have important roles in societies today as well.

They are chosen from early childhood based on abilities and interests.

If they grow into what is considered a good direction to becoming wise and insightful individuals, they will be given the task and responsibility of being spiritual leaders at some point when they become adults.

The Wiwa Tribe Spiritual Diary

A man from the Wiwa tribe by the fire in a locan hut, wearing all white
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A man from the Wiwa tribe

One of the weird and interesting traditions of the Wiwa is that all men carry a โ€œdiaryโ€ with them. This canister, made out of a dried hollow pumpkin, is their spiritual diary. 

Shaped like a pear, it is filled with a mixture of roasted coca leaves and shattered white shells. They make an opening on the top of it, where they can insert a stick.

With the stick, they retrieve some of the white powder inside, mix it with saliva, and rub it onto the outside of the dried pumpkin.

The Wiwa men do this all the time, whatever they are doing. Over the years, the white powder mixture builds up the pumpkin into a huge white lump.

Made of all the dried white powder and saliva, which is what encompasses their spiritual diary.

The Wiwa believe that in the dried mass, all thoughts, conversations, and memories are stored.

This is then available for โ€œrevisionโ€ by gods and ancestors alike. Isn’t that quite interestingโ€”and a little scary?

“Happiness Is A Choice,” Says The Wiwa!

A banboo structure with small flags waiving in the wind in front of a stunning, hazy view of green jungle hills
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Viewpoint along the hike

The last experience on this hike to the Lost City was a talk with one of the spiritual leaders of the tribe.

We all gathered in a special cabin for such events. He explained how his responsibility unfolds in the tribe and taught us what is important to have a happy life.

The essence of his message was basically that happiness is an attitude; that is how they view the matter. 

Being happy is simply a choice you make. I imagine that little Truth right there would put many a shrink out of business, should the secret come out! 

A man dressed in white on horseback riding along a dirt path in the middle of a green jungle
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A Wiva man in white clothes on horseback

We all get a white bracelet with a pearl on it around our right wrist. This bracelet is filled with everything we need to always see the positive in life and rejoice in what we have! 

Finally, we meditate again in case any of us accidentally have inflicted upon ourselves any negative thoughts or experiences on our way down from the mountain. 

I like the way they think here. 

Local Disaster When Lightning Strikes

In this tribe, almost all the men were killed in a terrible fire following a thunderstorm when lightning struck in 2014. 

The men were gathered in a large ceremonial cabin in the mountains when lightning struck the cabin.ย 

A raging fire broke out, and no one was able to get out of there. Hence, almost all the women of the tribe became widows overnight.

During the 5 years after this fire, these ladies have not given up. 

Instead, they started a business using all the domestic skills they had previously used to provide for their families.

They are crafting all kinds of arty and useful pieces, selling them on markets and to tourists trekking in the mountains.ย 

Also, they run a bed and breakfast, a chef school, a restaurant, and a workshop. You have to be impressed. We had the pleasure of having a three-course meal made by these ladies, with excellent taste and quality! 

Traveling And Trekking In Colombia Safely

A hazy golden sunset over the green jungle hills that stretches into the horizon
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Sunset over the jungle

Colombia has for decades been a country with an unfortunate “reputation” connected to drug cartels and organized crime, causing it to be viewed as a dangerous or risky destination.

I never felt unsafe during my time in Colombia, although, of course, my feelings are not a general guideline for safe travels. 

In the last few years, however, the country has made a significant effort to change both its reputation and its reality. 

So, the facts are that a lot of measures have been taken to improve security in Colombia, as well as take care of nature and culture, like The Lost City. 

The best advice for safe travel is always to do your research, follow the advice of the locals, and make good choices for every destination based on all your research.

Colombia has so much to offer for travelers from around the world, and it would be a shame to miss out due to unfounded fears.

There are plenty of nice places to stay in Santa Marta in all price categories, as you can see on the map below!

FAQs The Lost City Colombia

Best Time To Do Lost City Trek Colombia

The Lost City Hike in Colombia can be done all year round except in September, as tours are organized throughout both seasons.

If you can, the best time to do the hike is between December and March, as this is the dry period with less risk of really heavy rains that make the trail muddy and wet!

The Lost City Colombia History

The Lost City in Colombia was alive and vibrant from its foundation in around the year 800 and is believed to have been thriving until sometime between the end of the 16th and the middle of the 17th Century.

In the modern day, it was rediscovered in the 1970s and became an attraction for adventurous travelers and hikers shortly after.

Current Lost City Trek Colombia Price

Currently, the shortest tour to the Lost City with G Adventures of 7 days is $799 (there are longer hikes available).

The hike includes all meals, accommodation, and a local historic guide (CEO) who will take care of you for the duration of the tour!

The details are subject to change; please check the G Adventure Lost City Hike for the hike’s current details!

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Heading Back To Santa Marta

Tables gleaming from the rain at night under green trees, under warm lights from a colorful glass window, and people under a roof in the background
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A rainy night in a restaurant in Santa Marta

The drive back to Santa Marta disappeared in a haze of slumber. 

I have to admit it was nice to come back to the air conditioning and laundry service at the hotel.

Some of us got together for a post-hike dinner that night. With the jungle miles still on our feet, the whole thing did not last that long, to be honest.

The next morning, I am up early to say goodbye to my hike companion and roomie Becks, who has been traveling solo for three months. 

Wrap-Up The Lost City Hike Colombia Sierra Nevadas

Wow, I don’t know exactly what I expected, as the Lost City trek in the Columbian Sierra Nevada was the first jungle trek I have ever done. There definitely was a lot more heat and humidity to deal with than I had imagined.

But with the right preparations and a lot of water (and a good night’s sleep after the first day of walking), it was manageable.

The guides are great, the history super interesting, and the trek itself is a bit of a challenge and a wonderful natural experience.

If you like hiking, history, and adventures, this is a great combination for having a blast on the Lost City Trek outside of Santa Marta.

I will shortly be on my way to Cartagena, which is a small Colombian coastal city further to the West. 

It is supposedly the most beautiful city in Columbia, a colonial-style town founded in the 16th Century, and apparently, you can almost see over to Cuba from the shores of Cartagena.

G Adventures conducts responsible travel small-group adventure tours all over the world, including, of course, tours in Cuba

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